Experience the AQHA World Show through the experiences of Alyssa and Josh as they chronicle their
journey from start to finish. You’re invited to ride along with them, and feel the experience. The two of them have a full schedule, here are the details: (the show is livestreamed on AQHA’s website, and you can watch replays if you can’t watch live.)
Saturday, Nov. 16, 2024 Update
Today was the last day for me competing. Miss Keisha stood great and looked beautiful in her halter class. The winner of our class was absolutely stunning and their win was well deserved. We happily took home Reserve Champion in the Level 1 Amateur Aged Mares. We received a beautiful champion of champions reserve trophy, a beautiful belt buckle, reserve champion ribbon and a leather jacket. If you were top 3 in your respective class you won a leather jacket and if you were top 10 you received a vest. Josh was really excited about his vest and Ashley got one as well!
I also want to share results about my teammate and fellow MQHA member, Karen Jorgenson. She has been working her tail off all season. She was Reserve World Champion in the L2 Select Showmanship! She was also 5th in the L3 Select Showmanship and 5th in the L3 Select Equitation (I personally think she did amazing and should have won but what to do I know, I’m just a judge’s wife ). Karen is such a beautiful rider and has been giving me pointers to try and get better in the sms and eq. I’ll take any tips I can from her expertise.
Overall, I had so much fun here in Oklahoma City. By far this is my favorite show. From the great hospitality, friendly AQHA staff, and a great schedule, I cannot wait to come back. It was great trying out new restaurants, visiting with friends that we don’t get to see very often and meeting new people.
My trainer, Ashley Montgomery, will be competing on Miss K on Tuesday in the Level 2 Trail. Even though we won’t be here I can’t wait to watch her on the live feed. Thank you MQHA for allowing me to share my experience of my very first World Show.
Friday, Nov. 15, 2024 Update
Today was L1 amateur equitation. Not our strongest class but I was excited to try the pattern and get my diagonals which, yes, even in my 30’s I still can’t get them, lol.
Miss K had other plans though and ended up deciding to lope at the beginning of our pattern vs trot. I kept riding though as I know it’s only one maneuver. The rest of my pattern was really great. I ended up getting my diagonals and hitting all my points I wanted. I had great railwork as well. We ended up finalist/12th in the class. I was disappointed because I know we can be better than what we brought today. However, I’m not going to let one class take away from how the rest of the show has been going for me. It’s only one class and tomorrow is a brand new day.
Photo: Placing 9th in the L1 Hunter under Saddle
Tomorrow we have halter. There are only two in our class and Miss K has to compete against an actual halter horse. So, likely safe to say we will be second. Regardless, I still have to show up for the class and show. I don’t get to decide the amount of entries. We’ve actually made huge strides in the halter this year so I’m excited get some really nice photos of her in the pen. We just recently received our amateur champion trophy in the mail one week prior to leaving for the world show. We’ve struggled so much to get our halter points which what was holding us back. Ashley and I made a plan in the spring to get her in the best shape we can. Ashley’s mom, Krista, has a great feeding program and watches exactly what goes into Miss Keisha’s diet. Ashley sweated her neck a lot for me during the week and when I came up on the weekends, I would help Miss K sweat to the oldies. Although she does not care for it, she does look really great!
I had a friend ask today out of NSBA world, Congress, or World show which one I liked the best. The world show by far is my favorite. It’s so chill and relaxing. I love how it’s not crowded, the arenas are not super far away, and there is more structure here. There are always arenas to ride in and you don’t have to wait long periods of time for the lunging lines.
They have the Gold Globe lounge which people/horses have been sponsoring drinks and food almost every night. One of the nights had live music as well. It’s been so fun to watch the best of the best in the Quarter Horse industry compete in their respective classes. I’m sad our time is coming to an end but I’ll be happy to be home in a few days as well.
9th in L1 amateur hunter under saddle today! (Thursday, Nov. 14, 2024)
A day off and today we switch gears (Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024)
Great day off, just a busy day of shopping, ride the pattern, practicing, running for groceries (basically getting more Dr. Pepper). Seems like the days go by quickly and I just don’t have a lot extra time. So far the world show has been great! I by far love it way more than Congress. Very laid back and always places to lunge and ride without waiting 2 hours. All the people I’ve met and talked to are so kind and encouraging; A Huge difference from Congress
Forgot to mention Miss K and I were 2nd in the collegiate judging competition in the performance mares.
Today is L1 hunter under saddle. Just hoping for a nice consistent ride as I know miss K is not an English horse but has so much heart and try. Her willingness for me always results in snacks.
November 12, 2024 Update
Been a busy couple of days!
7th in L1 amateur trail
10th in L2 amateur horsemanship
Finalist in the L2 western riding
We had a really great go in the L2 amateur sms with high 80 scores too! Just really great competition and only makes me want to work harder for next year.
Such amazing horses and riders here. So blessed to be able to compete here.
I’ll try and send more of an update tomorrow after some much-needed sleep.

Alyssa Tjosaas & Miss Keisha,
(plus Ashley Montgomery) are back #6947
Monday, November 11th 2024
Tuesday November 12th
Alyssa-Amateur Showmanship Level 2
Adequan Performance Arena
Alyssa-Amateur Western Riding Level 2
Jim Norick Arena
Thursday November 14th
Alyssa-Amateur HUS L1 Champion of Champions
Adequan Performance Arena
Friday November 15th
Alyssa – Am. Hunt Seat Equitation
L1 Champion of Champions
Adequan Performance Arena
Saturday November 16th
Alyssa-Am Aged Mares L1
Adequan Performance Arena
Tuesday November 19th
Ashley-Senior Trail L2
Adequan Performance Arena
The week leading up to setting off for the show …. From Alyssa:
“I’ve been working really hard with Miss Keisha trying to prepare for this show. We’ve had an amazing season so far and I can’t wait to round it out with the world show.
1.5 weeks ago Miss K felt “off” and just wasn’t herself. Ashley was at Congress so Krista first noticed it. She thought maybe colic so they did what was needed to get her better. She just wasn’t quite right though. Some days were better than others. She wasn’t finishing her hay everyday, which was very unlike her, because that girl has to have all the food, and nothing goes to waste on her time. We did take her to the vet and they still couldn’t come up with an explanation. Put a damper on my practice time with her but in the end I want to make sure she’s feeling her best. However, she is feeling back to normal now and probably just likes to spend my money. lol.
I’ve been super busy preparing for this show, I’m so nervous but really excited. I’ve been to watch the world show once but never competed. I’m also really excited to represent MQHA as well! Josh is excited to watch/judge classes. He’s always looking for ways to improve his judging which I admire so much about him. He just wants to be the best judge he can be.
We dropped our dog Moose off with our friend Leigh Ann. She also has a dog so Moose is excited to have a playmate! One of my friends is house sitting/watching over our cats while we are gone.”
We arrived … Saturday Nov. 9, jumping right in today Sunday Nov 10
We are signed up to help the AQHA judging contest – Sunday November 10.. I used to judge in 4H and Josh is in charge of the National FFA horse judging contest. He also ran the MN 4H horse judging contest for years. We both know how difficult it can be to get people/horses to volunteer, so we thought we would help out.
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